DMM' man ' credit card ' iddiasına yalanlama

FinanceJun 3, 2024 IDOPRESS

The Centre for Fighting with the President of the Communication Declaration (DMM), explained that the claims on the credit card were not verified that the card holder will only be closed for three months in pursuit of ‘aggressive payment’. p>

The continuation of the message

DMM's social media account is called,"Some media outlets are located and shared in social media accounts, and the card owner 'three months after payment' will only be closed to use the card that matches 'asgari payment'.

The continuation of the message

DMM's social media account is not true.

In disclosure, the Bank’s Management and Control Board (BDK), the following statements have been submitted, indicating that a study of banking or management of credit card users who do not p a y aggregate payments is closed using the credit card, or that they do not have a n aggregate payment:

"YYYY"counterpart debts, complete debt, or complete payment of counterpart debts a year i n the p a st three times.counterpart debts, complete payment of counterpart debts, complete payment of counterpart debts.counterpart debts a r e counterpart three times.counterpart debts, complete payment of counterpart debts, including payment of counterpart and services.counterpart debts three times.counterpart debts, which continue to complete the entire debt of counterpart until all the complete completion of the transaction period, and all these cards through the use of currency or use of such counterpart, or complete the use of currency.In fact, you don't have to admit speculative explanations that can break the market.

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